SDA Bocconi Confirmed in The Economist's European Top 5


In the Which MBA ranking of the best MBA programs in the world the school gains 4 positions and confirms 5th place in Europe

With an excellent evaluation of the teaching and personal experience and the ability to open new professional and networking opportunities offered to participants, the MBA of SDA Bocconi School of Management is confirmed in the European top 5 in the 2018 ranking of the best full-time MBA programs published by The Economist.

In the list of the 100 best programs in the world, SDA Bocconi – the only Italian school making the cut – in fact places 24th worldwide (+4 positions) and confirms the 5th place in Europe obtained last year.
The ranking is based 50% on data supplied by the schools and 50% on the evaluations provided by current students and recent graduates. The criteria analyzed cover four main categories: new career opportunity openings, personal development and the educational experience, salary increase after the MBA and the potential for networking.

"The good news from the international rankings confirms the effectiveness of the work done in recent years and is an important incentive to do even better, continuing the daily activity of improving the quality of all parts of the program, in the interest of our students and the Bocconi community," comments Francesco Daveri, Director of the MBA.

SDA Bocconi confirms itself once again as the only Italian school present in all the most important international rankings. The MBA results 9th in Europe in the Financial Times ranking and 7th in the Bloomberg Businessweek ranking of the best programs taught outside the US.

Source: ViaSarfatti25

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