Luxury & Arts and Ethica Club

Ethics in Fashion through Traceability Revolutions

SDA Bocconi Luxury & Arts and Ethica Club are pleased to invite you to join the conversation on Ethics in Fashion through Traceability Revolutions.  The event will showcase a number of valuable perspectives providing a 360 degree view of the importance of sustainability and traceability in fashion and luxury.


Fashion Revolution Week

The event takes place during Fashion Revolution Week (FRW). This week (April 23-29 2018) falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1138 people and injured many more on 24th April 2013. During this week, brands, producers, and consumers are united by bringing attention to #whomademyclothes movement, calling for radical change in supply chain transparency.

The accident in Bangladesh was both predictable and preventable. Despite some steps forward, not enough has changed. About 75 million people work directly in the fashion and textiles industry, and about 80% of them are women. Many are subject to exploitation; verbal and physical abuse, working in unsafe conditions, with very little pay. Fashion Revolution says enough is enough.


We must work together to ensure that the goods and clothing we wear are ethically sourced and made in a safe, clean and fair way.  Collaborating across the whole value chain — from sourcing to producing to consumers — is the first step to permanently transforming the industry.

Luxury & Arts + Ethica Clubs; Etica nella moda attraverso le rivoluzioni di tracciabilità
Luxury & Arts + Ethica Clubs; Etica nella moda attraverso le rivoluzioni di tracciabilità