Latest publications

BELWALKAR S. The Art and Science of Purposeful Cultures Lulu Publication, Raleigh, United States of America, 2020
BELWALKAR S., Vohra V., Pandey A. The relationship between workplace spirituality, job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors – an empirical study Social Responsibility Journal, 2018, vol.14, no. 2, pp.410-430
BELWALKAR S., Vohra V. Lokasamgraha and Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness: Converging Models for Workplace Spirituality and Well-being South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 2017, vol.4, no. 2, pp.149-160
BELWALKAR S., Vohra V. Lokasamgraha: philosophical foundations of workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviours International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2016, vol.12, no. 2, pp.155-178
BELWALKAR S., Vohra V. Workplace Spirituality, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Theoretical Model International Journal of Business and Management, 2016, vol.11, no. 8, pp.256-262