Satoshi Fukuda

Economics, Politics and Decision Sciences


Latest publications

FUKUDA S. On the consistency among prior, posteriors, and information sets Economic Theory, 2024, vol.78, pp.521–565
FUKUDA S. The existence of universal qualitative belief spaces Journal of Economic Theory, 2024, vol.216, pp.105784
CARNEHL C., FUKUDA S., KOS N. Epidemics with behavior Journal of Economic Theory, 2023, vol.207, pp.105590
FUKUDA S., Kamada Y. Negotiations with Limited Specifiability American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2022, vol.14, no. 1, pp.216-244
FUKUDA S. Unawareness without AU Introspection Journal of Mathematical Economics, May, 2021, vol.94, pp.102456
FUKUDA S. Formalizing common belief with no underlying assumption on individual beliefs Games and Economic Behaviour, 2020, vol.121, pp.169-189