- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 8 May 2025
- 6 days
- Class
- Italian
Paolo Russo is Affiliate Professor of Competitive Strategy at SDA Bocconi School of Management, where since 2001, he designed and directed the training program for General Managers.
He is Full professor, of Business Economics, Budget and Budget Analysis at the Faculty of Economics of the Università Cattolica, where he is Scientific Director of the MAA Master - II level University Master in Accounting and Auditing (in partnership with EY).
He is also Adjunct Professor of Competitive Strategy at Università Bocconi.
His research focuses on economic and financial analysis, accounting valuations, company valuation and corporate strategy.
Recently, he has dealt with three main topics: the impact of the buyer's financial condition on the impairment of goodwill and the quality of the acquisition processes; the determinants of shareholder value and their impact on managerial decisions and reward systems; strategy evaluation and techniques to integrate strategic positioning evaluation with strategic change evaluation.
In the early 2000s, he participated in research projects with Franco Modigliani and other professors at MIT (Cambridge, Mass.) On the issues of cost of capital and corporate valuation.
He is the author of numerous books and articles on corporate valuation, business strategy and projects aimed at increasing the value of shares.
He was President of the Commission for the qualifying examination for the profession of Chartered Accountant at the Catholic University of Milan.
He has accumulated extensive professional experience serving family and multinational companies as an advisor in M&A projects and as a general management and property consultant in development and restructuring projects.
Since 2012, he regularly travels to China, where he assists privately owned and government-owned Chinese companies in the process of acquiring Italian companies and in IPO projects in the Chinese stock market.
He graduated in Business Administration from Bocconi University, where he obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administration. He is Certified Public Accountant and retired officer of the Italian Navy, that granted him the sword and the sash of honor as first classified at the 75th AUC / L course at the Naval Academy of Livorno.
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