Latest publications

SCARDOVI C. Investire bene in Italia. Risparmio Privato, Economia Reale e Sostenibilità per tornare a crescere Egea, Milano, Italy, 2023
SCARDOVI C., BEZZECCHI A. Banking e Real Estate - II Ed. ESG-Investment e Active Real Estate Management per le Banche, gli Operatori e gli Investitori Immobiliari Egea, Milano, Italy, 2023
SCARDOVI C. Gen Z and the Future of Wealth. Sustainable Investing and Wellbeing of our Next Generations Bocconi University Press - BUP, Milano, Italy, 2022
SCARDOVI C. Speranza e Capitale. Un modello per trasformare e innovare il Paese Egea, Milano, Italy, 2021
SCARDOVI C. Sustainable Cities Springer International Publishing, , 2021
SCARDOVI C. Finance, Real Estate and Wealth-Being. Towards the Creation of Sustainable and Shared Wealth Bocconi University Press - BUP, Milano, Italy, 2020