Bernardo Bortolotti



Latest publications

BORTOLOTTI B. Impact business: what is your signature? in Entrepreneur's Journey: An early stage guide for Abu Dhabi Tim Depsey(Ed), Caxton Business & Legal, Inc. , chap. 12, pp.99-105, 2023
BORTOLOTTI B., Loss G., van Zwieten R. W. The times are they a-changin’? Tracking sovereign wealth funds’ sustainable investing Journal of International Business Policy, 2023, vol.6, no. 3, pp.276-305
BORTOLOTTI B., FOTAK V., LOSS G. Taming Leviathan: Mitigating Political Interference in Sovereign Wealth Funds’ Public Equity Investments Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2019, vol.19, no. 4
BORTOLOTTI B., D'ANDREA A. Fondi sovrani: i rischi dell’oil austerity in L'età dell'abbondanza. Come cambia la sicurezza energetica M.Nicolazzi, N.Rossetto (Eds),ISPI Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, pp.52-81, 2017
BELTRATTI A., BORTOLOTTI B., CACCAVAIO M. Stock market efficiency in China: Evidence from the split-share reform The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, May, 2016, vol.60, pp.125-137
BORTOLOTTI B., Fotak V., Megginson W. L. The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Definition, Organization, and Governance in Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure and Business Development Stefano Caselli, Guido Corbetta, Veronica Vecchi (Eds),Palgrave Macmillan US, pp.295-318, 2015