Latest publications

GRANDORI A. Entrepreneurial governance and the nature of the entrepreneurial firm Small Business Economics, 2024
GRANDORI A. Williamson and Organization Studies: Reclaiming a legacy Organization Studies, 2023, vol.44, no. 7, pp.1175-1190
GRANDORI A. Constitutionalizing the Corporation in The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization Renate E. Meyer, Stephan Leixnering, Jeroen Veldman(Ed), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.57-76, 2022
GRANDORI A. A Rightholding Perspective on the Firm and Principled Governance: 10 Memos in Alternative Theories of the Firm Michael Pirson, David M. Wasieleski, Erica L. Steckler(Ed), Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, chap. 3, pp.56-71, 2021
GRANDORI A., NOCE M., GIACCARI F. Perchè non tutto è bias: fattori che influenzano le scelte di accettazione dei rischi Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 2021, no. 299, pp.76-84
GRANDORI A. Una tipologia delle euristiche decisionali Sistemi Intelligenti, 2021, vol.33, no. 1, pp.9-27