Andrea Francesconi

Government, Health and Not for Profit


Latest publications

Balami J. S., Ford G. A., Buchan A. M., Gray A., FRANCESCONI A., Collini P., Candio P. Extending mechanical thrombectomy service provision to 24/7: a break-even analysis BMC Health Services Research, 2024, vol.24, no. 1, pp.902
Pratici L., Fanelli S., FRANCESCONI A., ZANGRANDI A. The role of chief medical officers in the Italian context: managers or clinicians? Management Research Review, 2024, vol.47, no. 13, pp.87-103
Franceschi R., Maines E., Petrone A., Bilato S., Trentini I., Di Spazio L., Leonardi L., Soffiati M., FRANCESCONI A. Pediatric unit spending in the North of Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 2023, vol.49, no. 1, pp.82
Pratici L., FRANCESCONI A., Lanza G., ZANGRANDI A., Fanelli S. The managerial role of healthcare professionals in public hospitals: a time-driven analysis of their activities BMC Health Services Research, 2023, vol.23, no. 1, pp.465
Marini M., Videsott L., Dalle Fratte C. F., FRANCESCONI A., Bonvicini E., Quintarelli S., Martin M., Guarracini F., Coser A., Benetollo P. P., Bonmassari R., Boriani G. Economic analysis of remote monitoring in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators or cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators in the Trento area, Italy Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2023, vol.10
MARGHERI A., FRANCESCONI A. L’impatto dello smart working nella pubblica amministrazione: un’analisi esplorativa sui consigli regionali RU Risorse Umane nella Pubblica Amministrazione, 2022, no. 4/5, pp.47-61

Grants & Honors

Excellence in Relationships with Customers Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2010
Excellence in Training Initiatives Coordination Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2009
Excellence in Teaching Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2008