Self-awareness of your organizational behaviors

B-Aware is a self-evaluation tool developed by SDA Bocconi’s researchers and exclusively devoted to Bocconi Alumni, free of charge. It aims at highlighting some of the behaviors, attitudes and values that most frequently characterize you in the workplace and at home.

This tool provides you with a precious opportunity to increase your self-awareness and start a lifelong learning process from those elements that have a stronger impact on your professional and private life. B-Aware can be a good starting point for your development journey.

You will complete a 10-minute online questionnaire and you will receive a personal report with details on your prevalent behaviors in the 7 areas considered. To access the questionnaire please use the same credentials as for the bocconialumni.it website.

B-Aware analyzes 7 areas:
  • Performance and Imagination, Knowledge Processing, Relational Agility, and Strategic Outlook describe how we normally function and interact with others. 
  • Work Values and Temporal Orientation are overarching elements that influence our daily behavior.
  • Acting Self is how we deal with our emotions; it’s also about resilience and multitasking.

After completing the assessment, do you feel like expanding your learning and personal development journey?
Discover more about SDA Bocconi’s Executive Career Development and Executive Open programs.


For more info write to ECD@sdabocconi.it