Luigi Iovino

Economics, Politics and Decision Sciences


Pubblicazioni recenti

IOVINO L., SERGEYEV D. Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies Without Rational Expectations Review of Economic Studies, 2023, vol.90, no. 6, pp.3119-3152
IOVINO L., La’O J., Mascarenhas R. Optimal monetary policy and disclosure with an informationally-constrained central banker Journal of Monetary Economics, 2022, vol.125, pp.151-172
IOVINO L. Liquidity Insurance with Market Information Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021, vol.19, no. 1, pp.275-304
Golosov M., IOVINO L. Social Insurance, Information Revelation, and Lack of Commitment Journal of Political Economy, 2021, vol.129, no. 9, pp.2629-2665
Angeletos G., IOVINO L., La'O J. Learning over the business cycle: Policy implications Journal of Economic Theory, 2020, vol.190, pp.105-115
Angeletos G., IOVINO L., La'O J. Real Rigidity, Nominal Rigidity, and the Social Value of Information American Economic Review, 2016, vol.106, no. 1, pp.200-227

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2023
Excellence in Research Award - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , 2022