- Start date
- Duration
- Format
- Language
- 20 Feb 2025
- 12 days
- Class
- Italian
Fissare chiaramente i tuoi obiettivi e affrontare le problematiche specifiche delle PMI, per un migliore coordinamento della tua realtà imprenditoriale.
“To stop” is a verb managers and entrepreneurs seldom use. Ideas, strategies, initiatives, activities in the life of organizations inevitably imply action. In business, stopping means being left behind. But today, stopping is a common need, a responsibility most of us must uphold for the sake of common good. But stopping “the machine” doesn’t mean stopping ideas. If putting all and every activity on hold is mandatory, thinking over what we do and how we do it (even if we are not doing it at the moment, or we are doing it differently) can and should be carried on with higher energy, looking for new ways and channels of communication. As an international player in managerial culture, SDA Bocconi is not going to decline this challenge.
SDA Bocconi MINE Digital Wall has been created to this end, a virtual space for sharing knowledge and experiences, a platform where the School’s #MINE Community tackles and solves the managerial problems each one of us is facing in this period. Now the Community opens up this space to the whole network: anyone can suggest a topic, upload documents of general interest, share thoughts and ask questions, being certain they will get high-value answers and feedbacks from the School and the whole Community. By this we aim at creating an effective meeting point for managers, entrepreneurs, professionals, academics and experts from all industries to share and disseminate their best practices and to leverage the vast knowledge capital available in SDA Bocconi’s universe.
As a business school we are tapping our best resources, for we are convinced that the right way to become stronger and develop awareness through these hard times is by walking together a common path. If turning crises into opportunities is a distinctive feature of leaders, this is the moment to prove it. By getting ready for the next future, together, among other things. For everything changes, everything transforms and #everythingsgonnabealright.
>> Visit SDA Bocconi MINE Digital Wall
SDA Bocconi School of Management
Fissare chiaramente i tuoi obiettivi e affrontare le problematiche specifiche delle PMI, per un migliore coordinamento della tua realtà imprenditoriale.