Severino Meregalli

Leadership, Human Resources and Digital Technologies


Pubblicazioni recenti

CASTELLI G. V., MEREGALLI S. Guardare con attenzione attraverso lo specchio digitale Economia & Management, 2023, no. 3, pp.58-60
ARMENI P., POLAT I., DE ROSSI L., DIAFERIA L., MEREGALLI S., GATTI A. Digital Twins in Healthcare: Is It the Beginning of a New Era of Evidence-Based Medicine? A Critical Review Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022, vol.12, no. 8, pp.1255
SALVIOTTI G., MEREGALLI S. (a cura di) High Impact Technologies Radar, General Report, 4th Edition Egea, Milano, Italia, 2022
CASTELLI G. V., MEREGALLI S., PENNAROLA F. (a cura di) The Post-digital Enterprise: Going Beyond the Hype Springer International Publishing, , 2022
MEREGALLI S. Enabling the Post-digital Enterprise in The Post-Digital Enterprise Gianluigi Castelli, Severino Meregalli, Ferdinando Pennarola (a cura di), Springer International Publishing, chap. 9, pp.149-161, 2022
MEREGALLI S., DIAFERIA L., DE ROSSI L. Come valorizzare i dati nell’era post-digital - How to Draw Value from Data in the Post-Digital Era Economia & Management, 2020, no. 2, pp.60-65

Grants & Premi

Excellence in Research Award - SDA Bocconi School of Management , 2014

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